

本次的拍卖活动为大家提供更多的机会和服务, 参与竞拍, 您可以提前预约前来试骑, 您本次可以选择通过竞拍马匹部分产权,投资未来的大奖赛马。


Covid -19 病毒迫使大家尊重自然规律,所有人慢下来。 疫情期间我们真诚希望您的家人,您的挚爱平安健康。 我们非常感恩在此期间,我们能与我们的马和PONY 度过艰难时刻, 我们的员工可以协助我们照顾好所有的马。

但是我们坚信, 疫情过后,我们仍然要面对新的生活,或许您可以通过本次月底的网上拍卖会找到您新的合作伙伴。

目前,外界人是不能进入我们的马房的。 但是提前预约试马,看马是可以的 。 我们拍卖准备工作已经准备完毕, 马和PONY 都会在2020 年3月31 日进行网上拍卖, 所有马匹目前都在Stal Ceulemans 马房饲养调训, 地址位于St Katelijne Waver.

之前与BHT 合作的买家,非常了解我们的服务和优越的条件。

If you are interested in a horse or pony during the first auction, you can contact us by phone at 0032 474 898 552. We will give all information, how we estimate the horses, what kind of character, scope,.. . It is important that we can propose the right match to each rider the best we can.

如果您对拍卖中的马感兴趣, 您可以及时通过电话联系我们,我们提供所有相关马匹信息, 包括我们对马匹未来潜力的评估, 马匹性格, 能力等。 我们可以为您的骑手匹配最适合的马匹。


一般情况下,骑手没来试, 也有成交。 买房可以在运马走之前,来马场试马或者PONY( 在BHT团队的管控下)。本次建议在2020 年4月8 日之前提前预约。

马/PONY的马主可以前来试马。 如果感觉不好, 交易可以取消。 但是取消期限仅限于自拍卖成交日至当地政府准许车辆行驶日期间。期间马匹的饲养和调教费由 BHT承担。

我们为买方提供更多的保障,疫情期间我们会负责照顾您购买的马/PONY。我们相信每个买家都在寻找自己心仪的马匹/PONY。 也有可能在2020 年3月31 日若干马匹没成功竞价出售掉, 这样的话,我们会在之后的拍卖会上继续。 我们已经完成所有准备拍卖的相关工作, 包括视频, 兽医检查, 等。 但是我们选择拍卖的运动马和PONY 它们已经准备好去往他们的新家。我们相信它们会让未来的马主开心。 所有的马匹信息在我们的网页上可以看到。接下来的几天, 您在网站上会看到更多信息, 照片和视频等。


我们将与2020 年4月14 日星期二举行下一期的拍卖会。 当然我们希望可以找到一种方式,能通过预约让感兴趣的买家前来试骑和现场观看。 如果4月10 日前,不能举行公开展示活动,或者现场看马,本期的拍卖会将至少后推一周。


拍卖会上会有一些非常好的年轻马, 我们会随后在网上公布更多的信息。我们可以预先告知您一些新闻, 本次的拍卖会,会提供给买方机会购买马匹部分产权的机会,作为投资。 前提是, 马将继续在Stal Ceulemans 马房寄养和管理。

买方通过以上机会投资马匹称为合作马主, 在这种情况下, 马匹的成本和收入会有具体的约定协议。 所有相关的条款会告知买方。 并不是所有的在售马匹,卖方同意此种交易体制。拍卖马匹中,有一些您可以买100% 产权或者50% 的产权成为合作马主, 那些适用此交易条件的马, 后面会有"Invest +" (“投资+”) 的备注。 您出价的时候, 可以选择购买马匹产权的比例, 比如您要购买全部产权,或者若干X比例, 或者50% 成为合作马主。

BHT公布的年轻& 精选/比赛马的组别中,所有详细信息,比利时马匹交易网近期公布。


那些标注"Invest +" (“投资+”)的马匹, 是BHT 专家委员会经评估后,期望在未来能成为大奖赛的马。当然,年轻马的培养是需要耐心,努力和运气的 。


拍卖的程序也会做相应的调整, 以提供更优化的服务。


您如果有任何疑问/建议, 请邮件联系我们,info@belgianhorsetrading.com , 英文和荷兰语, 法语请联系Patrik Spits (0032 475 46 20 79), Kristel Ceulemans (0032 474 898 552) , 中文请联系 Jennie Fu +86 15962510546

 我们祝您一切安好, 希望您在本次拍卖活动中挑到您心仪的马匹。


Corona enforces the laws, everyone needs to slow down.  Let’s hope that you, your family and beloved ones will stay safe.    Grateful that  we can spend some time with our horses and ponies, and that our employees are allowed to help us to take good care of them.

But we are sure  that there will be a life after Corona.  Life goes on, and maybe you can spend time now to find your new partner on-line.

At the moment no external people are allowed in the stable.  Coming to try some horses, or presenting them, is currently not an issue. The work had already been done, the horses and ponies that will be auctioned on March 31, are all stabled at Stable Ceulemans in St Katelijne Waver.

Buyers that are used to work already with BHT, know that there is a good service, and now even more, seen the circumstances.

If you are interested in a horse or pony during the first auction, you can contact us by phone at 0032 474 898 552. We will give all information, how we estimate the horses, what kind of character, scope,.. . It is important that we can propose the right match to each rider the best we can.

We have often succeeded without seeing  the riders here.   For the auction of 31/3/20, the horses and ponies are supposed to be sold to children.  Because it needs to stay safe, those buyers have got  the right prior to collecting the horse or pony,  to ride under supervision of somebody of the BHT team. It should be possible to come over in a reasonable time after buying the horse/pony, let's say before 8/4/2020.  Owners of horses/ponies are allowed to come to ride their horses.  If the feeling is not good, the sale can be canceled at that time. Between the moment of sale and the moment that the government gives the green light to collect/transport, the cost of taking care of / riding the horse are paid by BHT.

We may have to withhold some horses or ponies as we build in that extra guarantee.  We are pretty sure, that someone is looking for every horse or poney in this auction. Therefore, it is possible that a pony or horse that will not actually be sold on March 31 will be presented back to the auction at a later date. The work is done, not only for making the videos, etc., but also the ponies and horses are ready to leave for a new home. Very sure they can make someone happy! The selected horses and ponies can be found at: www.belgianhorsetrading.com. The following days more information will be added, but with the photos and videos you can get a first impression.

We also look ahead to the auction that we will have on Tuesday April 14, 2020. Of course we hope that there can still be found a certain way, that the horses can possibly be tried by appointment.  The horses of the online auction between 11 and 14th of April, are meant to be sold to professionals.   Our team will give all the answers to your questions, to be sure you will buy the right horse.  We can't give any guarantee to test after you have bought on 14th of April , that won't be possible for example for a young horse that is shown in loose jumping.  We are just pretty sure, we have found really good horses, and we will give all necessary information. 

There are some special fine horses in between. More information will follow as soon as possible. We can already tell you something new about it. There will be the possibility that half of a horse can also be bought, as an investment. This will be under certain conditions, the horses will continue to be worked and stabled at Stal Ceulemans. There will be agreements with regard to the distribution of costs / revenues. Those special conditions will be clearly communicated. Nor will it apply to all horses, because the sellers must also support this system. The horses where you will be given the choice to buy either 100% or 50%, the suffix "Invest +" is added. When you place a bid, you will be able to choose whether you want to buy  the full horse for a certain amount X , or 50% of the horse fort he amount X divided by 2.

The horses selected in the Youngsters & Elite / Competition Horses category will soon be available on the website.

The horses that receive the suffix "Invest +" are horses where the BHT committee expects the horses can become Grand Prix horses. But for sure ,for young horses that needs some time, patience, work and luck.   

More info will follow later, the changes in the software will be carried out.

If there are any questions / suggestions, please contact us by email at info@belgianhorsetrading.com or by phone: Erik De Winter (0032 -474 89 87 35), Patrik Spits (0032 475 46 20 79), Kristel Ceulemans (0032 474 898 552)

We wish you all the best. Stay safe, and enjoy finding some nice horses and ponies in our collection.