4. Oorchidee HC

  • 信息

    Oorchidee HC is a 6-year-old mare by Marius Claudius and Berlin.

    Oorchidee HC 是一匹6岁的母马( 爸爸:Marius Claudius, 外祖父: Berlin).她是一匹非常漂亮可爱的母马,她经验虽然比较少, 因为她生了两个小马驹。 她经验上缺乏, 但是她的动作非常漂亮, 障碍前小心, 步伐轻巧。 她也很勇敢, 非常主动学习。

    Oorchidee HC的爸爸是荷兰认证种公马Marius Claudius,他与骑手Robert Smith 许多年打最高级别的障碍比赛, 这匹种公马的后代包括许多能力优秀的障碍马包括Denzel van’t Meulenhof, Darcotique van’t Meulenhof 和非常有潜力的公马Obama de la Linière.

    Oorchidee HC 的妈妈是Folia, 她是140 级别的障碍比赛马。 Oorchidee 的外祖母是比利时温血母马 Anuschka de Beclo 是比利时骑手 Thomas Leemans 155 级别的障碍比赛马。

    Oorchidee HC 非常可爱, 是一匹非常有潜力的障碍比赛马。

    Oorchidee HC is a 6-year-old mare by Marius Claudius and Berlin.

    Oorchidee is a beautiful and sweet mare. She is still inexperienced for her age because she already gave birth to two foals. Her inexperience doesn’t stop her from jumping with a great technique, carefulness and light-footedness. She is brave and eager to learn.

    Oorchidee HC is sired by the Dutch stallion Marius Claudius. He performed for years at the highest level with Robert Smith. He already produced numerous talented horses like Denzel van’t Meulenhof, Darcotique van’t Meulenhof and the upcoming stallion Obama de la Linière.

    The dam of Oorchidee is Folia. She jumped at 1m40 level herself. Oorchidee’s granddam is the Belgian warmblood mare Anuschka de Beclo. She competed at 1m55 level with Thomas Leemans.

    Oorchidee HC is a lovely mare with a bright future ahead of her.

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Sep 21, 2020, 8:38:00 PM

Germany 卖给

Marius Claudius
Cassini I
Anuschka de Beclo
Kashmir vt Schuttershof
Ulla d'Huisdine


拍卖中不包括拍卖成本和增值税! (4% - 0%)

你的出价: 12500,00
部分报价 0%: 0,00
+ 拍卖成本 (4%) : 0,00
小计: 0,00

+ 增值税 (0%) : 0,00
总: 0,00


拍卖中不包括拍卖成本和增值税! (4% - 0%)

你的出价: 12500,00
+ 拍卖成本 (4%) : 500,00
小计: 13000,00

+ 增值税 (0%) : 0,00
总: 13000,00