2. Pursa Van den Dael

Ended on

Sep 21, 2020, 9:05:00 PM

Belgium Sold to

For Passion D'Ive Z
For Pleasure
Furioso II
Bellissima D'Ive
Quidam de Revel
Birke III
Ursa Major Birdavenue
Landgraf I
Pin Up van de Padenborre
Quidam de Revel
Layla vd Padenborre

Make your bid

Auction costs and vat are not included in the bid! (4% - 0%)

Your bid: 22000,00
Partial offer 0%: 0,00
+ Auction costs (4%) : 0,00
Subtotal: 0,00

+ Vat (0%) : 0,00
Total: 0,00

Make your bid

Auction costs and vat are not included in the bid! (4% - 0%)

Your bid: 22000,00
+ Auction costs (4%) : 880,00
Subtotal: 22880,00

+ Vat (0%) : 0,00
Total: 22880,00