4. Jenna DH Z

Ended on

May 4, 2020, 7:45:00 PM

Belgium Sold to

Jericho Dwerse Hagen
Vertigo Saint-Benoit
Ogano Sitte
Jorace du Houssoit
Firenze vd Dwerse Hagen
Hunter DH
Utopie BG
Withney vd Dwerse Hagen
Jade du Ri d'Asse

Make your bid

Auction costs and vat are not included in the bid! (4% - 0%)

Your bid: 4200,00
Partial offer 0%: 0,00
+ Auction costs (4%) : 0,00
Subtotal: 0,00

+ Vat (0%) : 0,00
Total: 0,00

Make your bid

Auction costs and vat are not included in the bid! (4% - 0%)

Your bid: 4200,00
+ Auction costs (4%) : 168,00
Subtotal: 4368,00

+ Vat (0%) : 0,00
Total: 4368,00